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Eat It

This is the end user mobile app that accompanies the Eat It web portal. This allows end users to find new recipes, follow chefs, purchase meal plans and take cooking classes from the food content creators that they follow on social media. With this design I started with a design sprint with the clients.  We went through initial wireframes, initial prototyping and when the company pivoted away from a tool and to a double sided market place, I was able to help them pivot to a new design and dual platforms.  


Design and validate a full double sided market place, where both content creators users can interact to find new recipes, learn new skills and meal plan. 

  • Solo Designer

  • Researcher 

  • UX Strategist

  • Business Consultant


Fully designed and pitch worthy mobile app and web platform. App launched on both Apple and Android devices with content creators offering classes to users. 

iPhone 12 Pro.png
iPhone 13 Pro.png
New Nav Menu — All Hands — Left hand with vitiligo_edited.png
Group 37.png
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